How to Make Your Next Party Less Stressful
Birthdays are meant to be fun. Here are 7 ways to make your next party less stressful.
Keep it Moving.
Literally. Some of the best parties have flow. Set up areas where kids can play independently as you transition in your party. I put stations and gave the guests little activity sheets they could complete with their kids on their own. It took the stress off me entertaining everyone and gave my friends and family something to do!
Tuck Away Items or Areas You Don't Want Guests Using.
I remember a party in which the older boys used my daughter's favorite princess doll pool flotation as a weapon and broke her. We had placed her behind some items assuming she was safe! Nope. Lesson learned. So be sure to stash away the important items.
Plan your Party with Parents in Mind!
Birthdays are becoming all day events. They don't take into account naps or other priorities and almost always fall on a Saturday. Schedule your party earlier or later in the day. If you are scheduling closer to a main meal provide food for ALL of your guests.
Give a Clear Start and End Time.
We all have early bird, late comers and friends/family members that stay way beyond your toddlers happy threshold. Healthy boundaries are not mean they help keep your sanity and keep your relationships strong :). How do I handle the notorious late comers that stay hours after the party is done? That is exhausting. You struggle with feelings of resentment for not taking your time seriously and the amount of work you have to do afterwards. I have found scheduling an appointment or errand after the party exclusive to a need of you or your children helps (for those friends that offer to tag along).
Expect Things to Not Go 100 Percent!
Does anything ever go off without a hitch? You can plan for weeks and your little one wakes up sick the day of their party. Flexibility is key.
Do Some Family Self Care Prior.
Try to stick to your toddlers routine. Get them to bed early, squeeze in a nap and feed them well prior. A grumpy birthday boy will be rough on you to! Go for a walk, play at a playground. Seems ridiculous but birthdays bring on so many expectations and unneeded stress. Holidays and birthdays seem to be the events families all come together as well. Which is great for families that aren't in conflict but for those that are it's a stressful experience. Get out some of those nerves before!
Don't Go Over Budget!
Financial issues are one of the main causes of divorce and fights among couples. I understand the temptation to give your child everything but you are not a terrible parent if you can't. Stick to a number. It is not worth going into debt over. You do not need to keep up with anyone. Your child will be just as happy - trust me, I have 3!
What stress reliving tips do you have? Let me know!